Each week Ocean WhiteHawk sends out a Provocative Thought to illuminate and activate each reader. These words and images are created fresh each week to respond to the needs and forces in the world. Readers often remark that they provide much needed inspiration and timely guidance helping them to navigate their lives and choices at critical moments.

Provocative thought of the week

Ocean WhiteHawk Quote

Some gifts are obvious, like love, the joy of sharing, warmth, support and laughter, while other gifts are not so evident. Nevertheless, they are there if we know how to identify them. The gift an angry person brings could be for you to practise patience. Or if you don’t like the look of somebody, it’s usually because there is a part of you that you have yet to embrace in yourself.

The gift in this case is for you to open your mind, to investigate your thinking and gain a better understanding of yourself. The world is like a mirror in which we can see our own reflection. Any aspect that we feel an aversion to is the very part of us that is calling us to love. And the day we can love ourselves unconditionally, we will be a lover of all life.


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